Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thats it!...

So Ive been browsing some of my former classmates blogs lately in an attempt to keep in touch, and leave creepy vague comments and critiques. Ive been waiting and waiting and stressing about getting a "real" job that will start me on my great art adventure which will end in me actually being able to support my family and having a semblance of normality. Then it struck me " It's Christmas MOFO!" people probably arent hiring anyway and you are being a tool when you stress so much. So THAT'S IT im going to ease up a bit for the holidays so I can actually stand to be around myself. Things will happen when they happen so look for more creepy comments and me reaching out more instead of being completely cut off.


Allen TenBusschen said...

consider me turned on.

Unknown said...

Yeah, we're still in China. We're even going to be here for Christmas! Which makes me sad because there's no real food for Christmas dinner. :(
I wish that real food existed in China, like stuffing, cranberry sauce, cheese, butter, good bread, mashed potatoes and gravy....the list goes on and on. At least they have peanut butter and jelly.